
Some Important Changes at TFW – The Feminist Wire

Some Important Changes at TFW

Dear TFW Supporter,

For more than six years, TFW has been a labor of love. We’ve dedicated countless hours to reading, writing, reviewing, and editing, all while operating on a shoestring budget. Why? Because we have been committed to offering TFW for free while also not accepting advertisements. Admittedly, this model, while rewarding, is unsustainable. With this in mind, we’ve made some immediate changes. We are returning to our roots. Effective immediately, we will no longer take general submissions. As you can imagine, this will lessen our labor significantly and allow us to offer more creative works and, yes, break more often. We will, however, still provide invitation only forums and publish works already heavily vetted. We want to make our own voices central to TFW again. However, TFW cannot remain without your support. To this end, TFW is no longer an indefinite project. We plan to stick around as long as we are financially able. Finally, thank you for making these past six years an incredible journey. Thank you for believing in our work and for supporting our vision. And have no fear, TFW‘s work will continue, but perhaps in other venues such as our press series and/or other ventures.

The Feminist Wire Collective

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